What can I expect from an appointment?

Each session is 50 minutes. At our first session, I will invite you to share your reasons for seeking psychological treatment. We will begin to set up some therapeutic goals and a treatment plan, which we will revisit as therapy progresses. Sessions may be organised on a weekly, fortnightly, or any other suitable basis.

You can read more about my style of therapy under the About tab.

Are sessions confidential?

Psychological therapy is confidential, with certain exceptions that will be explained in a consent form before therapy commences.

Can I see you face-to-face?

Presently, Iā€™m only available for sessions over video (preferred) or phone. In the coming months, my availability will increase to face-to-face.

How much does it cost?

Information about fees can be found here.

I would like to book; what next?

To book a session with me, please send me an email at info@shikhagray.com.au or call me at (03) 7003 2197. You can also send me a message here: Contact.

Before our first session, you will be emailed a consent and intake form that needs to be completed.